Many times I asked myself this question: how long was my free ride today, how much time it took, was this workout good enough and in effect, if I am absolved from chocolate consumption :] Android OS can leverage from … Continue reading
My Salomon Crossmax skates are history. For a long time I could not decide which skates would replace them well. Finally I got Powerslide Metro freeride skates, because they receive positive comments, because I checked them personally and because… I … Continue reading
Skating gives a lot of fun. When mastered enough, it is like flying few centimeters over the pavements. To make this feeling persistent, I am going to tell you my secrets of perfect wheels’ rolling. I was inspired by the … Continue reading
Before the age of youtube I was a fun of munobal videos (now you can find them on youtube anyway). It was very useful since it gives you different camera angles you you can learn trics stright from videos, as … Continue reading
Usually in March we have here snow mud, gray sky and temperatures below zero. It means no skating outside. Well… fluctuation of climate changes what is usual. For last couple days we have almost spring here: +15 degrees celsius, dry … Continue reading