Levels of slalom tricks

Before the age of youtube I was a fun of munobal videos (now you can find them on youtube anyway). It was very useful since it gives you different camera angles you you can learn trics stright from videos, as I do. It is good however to learn tricks on similar level of difficulty – it allows you to build necessary skills for next levels, and gives satisfaction of successful exercises, so crucial factor to keep learning going.

After some time I found movies of Skali, French professional skater, who is somehow close to Seba, creator of Seba inline skates series. Skali offers trainings and advertises on its own www.kompakombo.com site, where you can find all well-known tricks sorted into different levels. At the moment it is a baseline for me, it allows me to measure where I am and how fast I make a progress.

Two years ago I started at level 1, now I am still lame being somewhere at level 3,5 (most tricks L3 and some of L4 and L5) while local top slalomers circulating somewhere between levels 6-7. Bright side is, such distance is inspiring and makes more pressure. My motto is “at least one level up per season” and I am going to turn it into reality this year, too.

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