Category Archives: OpenWRT

SSH and FTP custom ports firewall redirection in OpenWRT

Inspecting router log files I discovered occasional but massive login attempts. This is typical observation when SSH port visible from WAN is left on default port 22. Mine was set to custom and configured with firewall port redirection. At least … Continue reading

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USB power supply mod and 3G for TL-WR1043ND

Using multiple power-consuming devices in USB hub modded router will exceed limited power of built-in 5V rail of TL-WR1043ND router. In my case connecting both 3G modem and external HDD to led to power drops and root filesystem disconnections. Keeping … Continue reading

Posted in Electronics, OpenWRT | 3 Comments

Secure FTP with chroot jail on OpenWRT

I am happy user of vsftpd that gives me necessery features but encryption. I was trying to replace existing approach but did not succeed. Here comes the story.

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WordPress glitches with lighttpd on OpenWRT

When I started playing with wordpress as another service on my tiny server box I integrated it with basic OpenWRT webserver, the uhttpd. To leverage from pretty permalinks, secure administration, or to prevent from images hotlinking I decided to migrate … Continue reading

Posted in OpenWRT, WordPress | 2 Comments

USB mod for TL-WR1043ND

This gallery contains 17 photos.

Encouraged by successful RAM modification I started consider extension of USB ports number in TP-Link device. Originally it contains only one USB2.0 port and if you are using extroot (file system on external storage), you effectively have no free USB … Continue reading

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64MB RAM mod for TL-WR1043ND

This gallery contains 8 photos.

When I read about hardware modifications of unextendable home-targetted routers, I thought, nerds! On the other hand, doubling RAM memory size for pennies, is attractive perspective for anyone, who plans switch firmware to embedded linux and host services far beyond … Continue reading

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Tiny home server

Can you imagine that blog you read is running on tiny router box, size of average book, consuming only 8 watt of energy per hour? Next to advanced network management tasks, the same box is NAS, source code reporitory storage, … Continue reading

Posted in OpenWRT | 3 Comments