Some organizations still cannot shrug Internet Explorer (IE) off their IT standards. Combine it with user interface of IBM BPM based on Javascript and your development falls back to coding practices in early 2000’s. Surely there are ways to fill … Continue reading
IDE environment in IBM BPM migrated from Eclipse-based app to WebPD, a web-based process editor. WebPD built on top of IBM BPM Coach Framework, based on dojo toolkit, hosting complex visual editors suffers from performance and stability issues. It can … Continue reading
Internet Explorer – a black sheep amongst browsers – should be forgotten long ago, yet it stands strong as a standard in many organizations. And while its last incarnation (IE11) adopted some modern web technologies it still offers lurking traps … Continue reading
Imagine you want to see all IBM BPM coach validation errors in one place. By default after validation phase you need to find all invalidated widgets one by one, changing tab or opening accordions, and so on. Coach framework does … Continue reading
Early 2017 cumulative fix for IBM BPM 8.5.7 brought new section in properties for coach views configuration – events tab. This looks like a wink at SPARK toolkit being integrated with BPM product. SPARK introduced nice concept of configuration options … Continue reading
Boundary Event is core concept of UI technology in IBM BPM: any visual element (coach view) of screen (coach) can fire such event moving control from current screen to some other place, crossing “screen boundary“. In fact Boundary Event is the only … Continue reading
Salientprocess acquisition by IBM will make SPARK toolkit core part of IBM BPM in future release. SPARK introduces some nice new concepts, one of it is addressing that keeps SPARK containers invisible. Its public API promises to make your own … Continue reading
IBM BPM Process Designer started migration from desktop to pure web client long time ago. While lightweight tools are enablers for everything in cloud game, it is shame how productivity is ignored. For several releases IBM has not corrected even such fundamental feature … Continue reading