For a long time I was ignoring that tingling feeling where my forearm was touching Macbook while typing on second laptop. Sensation that was sometimes closer to stinging, as if tiny hair was pulled of my skin. It happen at home, in the office, just … Continue reading
Four years ago I made microcontrolled snowflake decor using home made PCB based on toner-transfer process. I got back to this idea late in 2015 to make short batch for family and friends. Second version was about fixing design issues … Continue reading
These days turning imagination into reality at home is more real than ever. RepRap movement made fused deposition modeling technology affordable. Turning a figurine or mathematical object into physical object is exciting and funny and using 3D printer to fabricate … Continue reading
iGO Primo navigation software surprised me right at the moment I needed it badly. As always I forgot to upload maps, etc, before travel, so, as usual, I did it at the hotel googling for solution. Visiting Singapore was not … Continue reading
Urban skater wearing glasses is in trouble picking up right headphones. The problem is multifold. Let start with head movements that are really rapid, far more aggressive then runner or cyclist does. Wearing glasses means there are extra obstacles near … Continue reading
Half a year of regular HOX usage formed my opinion based on observations. Best part is that after series of hacks, tests and experiments I settled down with best setup I use for months now. If you are a geek … Continue reading
You do not own device if you cannot open it, I read on some forum. Or more probably you just want to swap disks not breaking the case. If you are owner of this portable disk you will find neither … Continue reading
– Where do owners of high-end smartphones meet? – At the power socket. Sad reality is that most modern devices cannot hold longer than one day, and when used intensively may not last even couple hours. For urban animal with … Continue reading
There is no doubt about superior features and sexy design of that smartphone. No doubt that user experience of Sense 4.x theme, which is much faster and lightweight, is appreciated by HTC lover as well as its reach and consistent … Continue reading
Days of my old HTC Desire are counted. Despite optimized custom firmware it runs too slow in critical situations leading to missed shots due to laggy camera, waiting long seconds to open apps, constant jitter when company bloatware (read: lotus … Continue reading